
Friday, July 8, 2011


I have a friend who's "agitating peacefully" for women to become holders of the Priesthood. My short analysis: women have the sacred trust of bearing children, and men have the sacred trust of holding the Priesthood, and I don't want anybody to take away from my sons the one thing that is their duty. If every woman can hold the Priesthood of her own, then why do women need men at all?

He's a good guy, though, and pointed me to this link today, an analysis of a woman advocating "celestial education". Basically members of our church should homeschool. It's a good article, even having not seen the 3 hour video being critiqued.

It reminds me that we as mothers have the sacred responsibility to see to the education of our kids; and we should not be afraid by anyone who beats us over the head with quotes from general authorities. We have a right to the Spirit as we teach our children; but he won't beat us over the head with information that we can find easily if we reach into a subject of study that many have been researching for decades. We must seek knowledge by study and by faith, and a neglect of either aspect of the process will result in an incomplete education.


  1. If you're friend is LDS, tell him to pay close (or really not-so-close) attention in the temple Nothing in our doctrine says straight out that women have the priesthood, but it doesn't rule out the possibility, either.

  2. Interesting article. Lots to think about.

    Thanks, Oneup. Sometimes things are hard to pick out in the temple--but you're right. It's SO there.

    I think we've all had our stumbling blocks with the Gospel. For example, Joseph Smith's colorful history, Polygamy, specific prophets, our name being spelled wrong in our mission call, can all test our faith.

    This sort of subject can really get on my nerves, though. By saying that women need the priesthood, you're really degrading the other things they do--and the other way around for men.

    The priesthood really is just one aspect of what is expected of men. Most of their responsibilities fit under it, sure, but men have an equal share in the responsibilities of providing for a family--although the divisions of those responsibilities generally put the mother at home and the father in the workplace.

    (And I know you're not really saying this, MC, but I couldn't keep myself from getting on my soap box.) I cringe a little when people say that without the priesthood, men would have nothing to do or be useless. . . First of all, because that makes it sound like most men are lazy and not worthy of the priesthood in the first place--or at least not compared to their wives (definitely not true in my case); and second, because of what priesthood is: the eternal power and authority of God that allows us to act in His name to bless His children and to organize His kingdom; and third, because the very NATURE of the priesthood insists that the bearer does NOT seek after power, but to be the lowest servant (and that goes for ALL servants of the Lord, not just priesthood holders--in other words, men without the priesthood would still have something to do).

    All of those things pertain to women! We organize things (in our families and in the church), we teach/bless children/others, and we act in His name (slightly differently, but essentially the same)--we have stewardships, too, as you mentioned. When I hear of women seeking the priesthood--I can't help but think they miss the whole point--or maybe they had a priesthood holder in their life that exercized unrighteous dominion, which is NOT priesthood. It is very interesting to me that you said your friend is male.

    Okay, sorry for ranting--this is just one of those topics that really bug me.

    PS--this is Ali Mae--I can't get it to stop calling me Anonymous!

  3. I appreciate your comments. My friend has a daughter who's older elementary school age and he wants her to be able to hold the Priesthood.

    And certainly you're right about the temple--women perform priesthood ordinances there, so who's to say what could or could not be? I've always felt that in my marriage we each have a very important sacred duty; mine childbearing and his the righteous use of the Priesthood. I recognize the narrowness of that view.

  4. yeah, it's not that childbearing/rearing is equal to holding the priesthood, God just delegated things that way. He's a great organizer, you know.
    I haven't watched the video (3 hours!!), but I'm really annoyed by all this. I only watched the first 10 minutes, but I kept thinking "I bet she's a TJEder" I really should post my feelings about TJEd some day....


    Here's a TJEd review by the same gal that I found interesting. I would like you to post your thoughts too, though.

  6. So I clicked on the link and only read the review by Julie M. Smith, who also homeschools, but debunks very much of what the video apparently appeals for- that all Mormons should avoid the public schools and should homeschool. I agreed with Julie Smith's article, and think that the lady is more on an extreme side with thinking she lives a "higher law". I felt the same amount of uneasiness with a blog I follow called 'Section 89' which is about living the Word of Wisdom. I like the blog because it helps a person get ideas of ways to eat healthy, but I dislike when a person takes their application of a principle to be scripture and in turn slap others on the wrists for their "wrongdoing".

    That being said, I am alllll for homeschooling after having taught in 5 different schools (public and public charter and my mom was a TA in a private school) and at the end of the day, there are 25 kids and that kid's teacher. There's lots LOTS of time used for management, transitions, etc, that is not learning, so from an efficiency point of view I see huge advantages to homeschooling, along with the avoidance of some negative things picked up from other people's families when kids are of such tender ages. Yes, I think parents should be involved with schools, but never so bull-headed and stubborn to think that one way is the catch all for everyone. Education is a HUGE soapbox of mine, but also one that I am happy to discuss, not argue about, and have a hard time when people will diss homeschoolers and be so hateful against a concept that I'm pretty sure they have limited experience with, and that they blow that one limited experience way out of proportion.

    As for the Section 89 things and eating right, I do think Mormons spend too much time honing in on the "don't"s and that they convey those same DONTS to their kids more than the DOs, and that moms have a TON of power in the home through food. Cooked, healthy breakfasts means time together, brains fed better focused for school, and well packed lunches ensure a better afternoon at school, or just time to be together in summer (picnic here?!!) and to continue to connect as a family around the table-- to learn manners and respect- all from eating together!! Mom can change white noodles to wheat, can sneak in the veggies, can celebrate trying new things, can make food fun, can educate kids in self reliance by learning about gardening (hard work taught there too!) and how much better "real" food tastes!

    Anyhoo- sorry- two soapboxes at the same time! Yikes! Whole afternoons could be devoted to being excited about good food and good/better education!!

    I just encourage whoever sees this video to not take it at it's schnazzy title's value, but to carefully read Julie's response to see what you're really looking at.

  7. My comments aren't aimed at anyONE of course, just the idea- and I do find this page super interesting- and by the way know a couple of families who use the TJE and I haven't asked em yet why it works and am curious as to what Small House thinks of it, since I'm still considering homeschooling and have awhile to get educated on different aspects of it. I have read "well Trained Mind" and loved it and have taught in a charter school that used saxon math (loved it- although it's tedious, because it gets results) and have a neighbor who homeschools her two boys who kind of has her own mix of well trained mind, and more of the classical education mindset.
