
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Sad, neglected blog

We had such high hopes when we started! But as often happens, life gets in the way.

While pondering the compatibility of big goals and real life, I came to a surprising conclusion.

Do what you really want to do. Do what you must do. Leave the rest for someone else.

It might be a tiny bit heretical. I have a big goal in front of me, a master's degree in Library and Information Science. I have another big goal, and that's raising my family to love God, to love each other, and to love learning. I think genealogy, quilting, card-making, scrapbooking, decorating on a budget, thrift-store shopping, reading novels, and cooking gourmet meals from scratch are all fun things. I don't have the time for all of these.

I can get a master's degree if I want to, and I can do it while keeping all of my kids at home the majority of the days. I can show them my love of the Lord and my love for them and my love for learning, leading by example. I can even keep my family fed, in clean clothes, and in a mostly clutter-free home.

I am inspired by my goals, as they are far from mediocre and not easily attainable. The thought of the end, here in the beginning, pushes me to work harder and smarter and to love my kids more. This is not true of crafting, much as I love handicrafts. The other pursuits I mentioned aren't for me. I can and will leave them to somebody else.

What are your goals? Are they big, audacious, a bit crazy for "someone in your position"? Why not? I can tell you right now, God has big plans for you if you'll accept them. There are no small parts, as the adage goes.


  1. my goal is to blog more. Ha!! I know, such high hopes....
    I too want to get my masters, but I know I am years away from it. Sometimes I'm upset about that, I'm impatient. But the Lord knows me and that I couldn't handle it right now. I'm grateful for that inspiration. Maybe it sounds crazy, but my only goal right now is simplicity. I'm craving it and working toward it in small baby steps.

  2. Good question...I've been pondering this a lot the past year or so. I feel a little guilty running a blog/site. Like I should be doing something else, but I do do it in my free time (when the kids are napping or asleep at night) and what I do for it invloves my kids and my other goal, which is to spend more time doing things together. I do cleaning, cooking, laundry, etc, but they don't give me enough satisfaction (is that sad?). And since I literally don't seen anyone outside our family until Sunday (where I only get to talk to one person after RS - all I can manage before a child starts running around like a crazed loon ready for a nap), it is a little part of my social life/sanity...Something to do outside of myself. It makes me feel good to know that I can help encourage (I hope) others to spend more time with their families and doing it on the cheap.

    I would love it, if someone told me I was wrong or enlightened me. My husband is a big supporter of the site and so that helps with my guilt. But in my defense, if I didn't have the site to focus on, I know I would be looking for something else to do and that something would probably require a lot more of me. lol

    Seriously, the further I get from Provo and the cozy little life there, the more I realize how hard it is to meet/make friends in other areas when you don't have a park just down the hill in walking distance. =)

  3. Michelle, I'd say your website just might be what you should do right now! It's been inspirational to me, even if I'm lame at commenting, and if it's helping you feel loved and inspired and to be a better mom, why wouldn't you want that in your life?

    Nobody expects housework to give you satisfaction; it's a stewardship that is meant to be fulfilled, but I don't think it should define anyone. We all have wonderful gifts that the Lord has given us, and he expects us to use those to uplift the Saints, build the kingdom, and strengthen our families.

    I miss you! I'd give you a hug if I could.
